
Welcome and thank you for looking in.

My name is Mette Marie Salto and I am passionated by encapsulating beauty in resin. Everything is handmade throughout the entire production of a ring from building the shape of the ring to making the contents of the ring itself. The jewelry I make is made with meaning both on the outside and the inside and is for those of you who want to wear something that lifts your spirit and reminds you of what is important to you. The jewelry I make is for those of you who appreciate colors and beauty and who want to wear something unique to you.

Make things matter
My attraction to everything that sparkles, to beauty and expression, combines with an awareness of a deeper meaning and extends even to jewelry that I have inherited where I am convinced I had received a radiated light and strength from people I have lost. An example of this was when I lost my mother Nina to cancer in my late 20's. She had a specially designed ring made for me just before she died and it is as if I carry a little of her with me every time I wear it. A reminder that I am still loved and never alone.

Colors and expression

Colors, e
xpressions and images are important when I design, as they enable me to store memories, to encapsulate them so they never disappear. Like the ring that contains a piece of my mother's t-shirt - the t-shirt I borrowed and wore as a child, or the ring with dried flowers from the bouquet I received from my husband on a very special day and for which I was so grateful to him in that moment. These are the memories I wish to remember, hold on to and honor. Resin jewelry allows me to preserve memories inside the ring and to create through its transparency a kind of glass ball through which you can see your memories - a bit like the old-fashioned shaking balls whose magical, playful fairytale universe for which I also have a great weakness.

Forces of energy
All collections have meanings which affirm things that I believe in, in much the same way as  I get light and strength from my loved ones through the jewelry I wear. It is about how you use your energy - the energy and vibrations that come from your jewelry are important and there is a big difference between whether they remind you of what is important for you to enjoy, to strengthen you or see positively or not. For me, it is crucial that I have an influence on what I wear and its significance - and it is just as crucial that the jewelry I make has a special meaning and positive intention for my customers - it is all about spreading light and love.